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死,是人生的一件大事。佛教认为:生、老、病、死,人之常情,而死并非生命的结束,只是另一场轮回的开始,所以说"生死一如",要我们看淡生死,进而勘破无常。但是在大限将至之际,如何让病者身心安乐,无苦而终,才是最实际的一种做法,这也就是所谓"临终关怀"。 《佛说无常经》说:老病死三种法,于诸世间是不可爱,是不光泽,是不可念,是不称意。若比丘、比丘尼,若优婆塞、优婆夷,若见有人将欲命终,身心苦痛,应起慈心,拔济饶益。又说,对于临命终人的照顾必须: 注意环境的整齐清净、光线的柔和、空气的流通。 供养佛像,使病人观相而生善念。 为病人宣说阿弥陀佛的慈心悲愿及西方极乐净土的种种庄严,使病人生起乐生佛土之心。 引导病人念佛,其余探病者亦应为彼病人称念佛号,声声不绝;病人命渐欲终,即见化佛、菩萨执持香花接引,心生欢喜,必无退堕恶道之苦。 若命终后,眷属应止哀,不宜大声哭泣,当取亡者新好衣服及随身受用之物布施,乃至礼请法师或自行诵经,以此功德回向亡者往生善道。又姚秦鸠摩罗什大师说,外国习俗中,一个人从出生至临命终时所作的善事平时都要一一记录下来,等到往生前,由家属为其讲说一生的功德,使亡者仰仗行善的福德,生起欢喜心,而不恐惧害怕死亡。可见佛教对"安宁照顾"、"临终关怀"是非常重视的,而且佛门对于"死"也有一套情理兼顾的处理方法。而作为佛教徒,平日热心修行,参与各种社会活动,实是往生善道的最佳资粮。

For Buddhist funeral products and services, which happen to be incredibly assorted and uncommon in comparison with other funeral providers or rituals, we ensure you could choose which Buddhist custom the deceased was connected to and We'll organise the funeral Based on These traditions. Our caring and Expert employees can help you make sure that the funeral is organised In accordance with all rituals and traditions. In addition to that, our cemetery plots are freehold, which suggests that shoppers who purchase from us could have long-lasting freehold ownership.

In addition to prescribed rituals, Taoism also expresses that many steps are viewed as taboo, especially during burial processions. By way of example, company mustn't don purple as it really is considered to hamper the spirit’s journey to their future daily life, turning it right into a ghost.

As a result of insufficient Place for altars and the perfect time to conduct worshipping rites in modern-day instances, ancestral tablets are these days usually installed in temples, clan halls or memorial centres wherever caretakers will execute worship on behalf of the household.

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The funeral ceremony commences with chanting of your Taoist scriptures and mourners are necessary to grieve 富贵山庄 中元节 as loudly as you possibly can. The coffin will probably be nailed shut once everybody has compensated their respects, but 1 should search away pedestal as doing so is believed to be taboo.

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This occasion will funeral package be the fruits from the visitation time period when the ultimate religious and ceremonial rites are executed in planning with the deceased’s ultimate journey.

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